Liability insurance

In our professional lives we may not have thought seriously about the consequences they may have for us as software manufacturers the work we do.

Imagine you work as a freelancer and designed a soft that analyzes customer risk when loans either because if we make an error where a customer with low ability to pay or insolvent software that can report give credit (for error) or a hospital that has a database of drugs and patients and by a coding error when searching not believed correct medication-patient relationship, since then our client could take legal action against us interposing a claim for damage to third parties with the economic consequences that entails.

Course to avoid this situation we have to do the following:
- Increase the quality of software. Performing all test test necessary to check the quality of our product.
- Make it clear in the contract limits the liability of the customer for the purchase of our software (if not agree can buy some of its competition) and ours.
- Hire a liability insurance (although not mandatory, correct me if I am wrong) we would certainly be covered against possible legal claims.
Consider that the insurer will not pay the entire claim, but the part that we have agreed with her through the insurance contract that we have signed.

Types of Insurance :
If we shop online and installed it on our server and for a time the store stops selling the customer we can claim compensation that must be covered by hiring a professional liability insurance (which covers damage to software)

If a customer going to repair a computer and for whatever reason the computer stops functioning due to physical damage the client we can apply for compensation for damages that have to be covered by a general liability insurance.

If you have a business and want to cover the damage caused by our employees will have to hire an employers liability insurance.

In the event that we contract employees have to hire a cross-party insurance (in this case it is necessary to recruit employers liability insurance previously).

We have to note that this type of insurance is deductible (an amount below which it does not have coverage) and depending on the amount of the franchise will pay a higher or lower insurance fee.